Spring Garden Fully Planted, Soil Still Too Wet

The spring garden has been fully planted, but the soil remains a little too wet. The tomatoes and pepper seedlings have struggled a bit but are starting to look a bit better now with the onset of warmer weather. It has been a struggle this spring, especially with the warm season plants. I had to replant some of the beans because of the wet soil and I waited probably an extra two weeks to sow my cucumber seeds. Fortunately, the weather has improved somewhat and the hope is all of the wet soil conditions have passed. Harvest continues on the lettuce with more to come. I have noticed that the slugs have almost disappeared on the lettuce. The Packman broccoli are starting to form little heads, so I think broccoli harvest will probably start in about another two weeks. I have just started to noticed some minor damage from cabbage worms, so I will probably need to apply some Spinosad on these plants soon. The Silver Queen white sweet corn has germinated and most of the plants are nearing one foot tall. I harvested the last of the green onions about five days ago. The rest of the onions look pretty good so far. The potatoes growing in the grow bags have finally started to grow, and in fact look really good right now. The potatoes growing in the two raised beds do not look as good, but I remain optimistic that the harvest from these beds will turn out decent this year. I have had to start watering the potatoes in the grow bags every other day, which is normal. I have posted several pictures of my garden below for your viewing pleasure.

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Top Left Clockwise: Diva Cucumbers, Early Jalapeno and Hot Banana Peppers, Bush Green Beans, and Roma Tomatoes, Picture Taken 6-4-24
Potatoes Growing in One of the Two Raised Beds, Picture Taken 6-4-24
Potatoes Growing Nicely in Grow Bags, Picture Taken 6-4-24
Onions (Red Candy Apple and Candy) with some Topsetting Onions Near Top of Picture, Picture Taken 6-4-24
Lettuce Growing Nicely, Picture Taken 6-4-24
Silver Queen White Corn Getting Taller Every Day, Picture Taken 6-4-24
Left to Right: Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Kohlrabi, and Cabbage, Picture Taken 6-4-24
Left to Right Clockwise: Kohlrabi, Ancho Peppers, Bush Green Beans, Rattlesnake Pole Beans, and More Kohlrabi. Looks Like Someone Needs to do Some Weeding! Picture Taken 6-4-24