Monthly Archives: June 2024

Early Summer Garden Growing Well, Still Very Dry

The temperatures have really heated up over the last few weeks, with many days with temperatures in the lower to mid 90’s. The garden did receive at least some rain, but it still remains very dry. Despite the dry and hot conditions, the garden is doing well. Most of the onion tops have now flopped over and I plan on getting them pulled up and starting the curing process within the next week. It looks like the onion crop will be good this year. I have just finished harvesting the rest of the peas. Broccoli harvesting continues, with all of the main heads now harvested. Now the abundant broccoli side shoots will continue to be harvested for about another month. With all of the warm to hot weather, the peppers and tomatoes are really starting to grow. A few of the hot banana pepper plants have some harvestable sized peppers on them already. Harvest continues on the lettuce, but I need to keep the plants shaded with all of the heat, to keep the plants from bolting. The bush green beans are now starting to flower and the rattlesnake pole beans are starting to work their way up the bean towers. The Diva cucumbers are also starting to vine their way up the cages, but no sign of flowers as of yet. The potatoes in five of the grow bags are nearing maturity, so harvest will begin on those within the next few weeks. The corn is now about four foot tall and tassels are just starting to push out of the tops.

Wow, can you believe it is already late June!! Now is the time to start planning the fall crop. I will be starting seeds of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, and lettuce, in cell packs, within the next week, inside. After germination, I will move these seedlings onto the covered back porch until they are transplanted out into the garden as early as the first week in August.

Onions (Candy and Red Candy Apple) With Tops Falling Over and Ready for Harvest, Picture Taken 6-24-24
Sierra Lettuce Still Producing, Picture Taken 6-24-24
Lettuce With Shade Cloth Covering, Picture Taken 6-24-24

First Broccoli and Pea Harvest, Getting Very Dry

I harvested my first 3 heads of broccoli on June 13th and the first Green Arrow peas were harvested on June 14th. The garden has been getting very dry, so I have started my full scale garden watering a few days ago. The forecast is for very hot temperatures for the next week or so, with not much rain. The garden did receive about 1/2 inch of rain last night, which helped out quite a bit. I am glad that it rained, as my rain barrel was empty and that rain just about filled it back up. The potatoes in the grow bags continue to look very good as they get watered every other day now. The vines have finished flowering and some of vines are starting to yellow, so it looks like they have almost reached maturity. I will continue to water these grow bags for another few weeks and then I will withhold water to let the vines die back naturally before I start harvesting, probably around the 1st or 2nd week in July. The potatoes in the raised beds are not growing as good. I think I let them dry out too much, but some of the vines are starting to look better now. I continue to harvest lettuce about every 4 or 5 days now. I have just started to cover the lettuce with shade cloth. This will be even more important with hot weather approaching. Most of the tops of the Red Candy Apple onions have just started to flop over and some of the Candy onion tops have also started to flop over, so the onion harvest will probably start in about another 3 weeks or so. The green beans (bush and pole) are doing better now since the weather has warmed, along with the peppers and the tomatoes. The Diva cucumbers have germinated and are starting to get bigger now. With temperatures expected to get into the mid 90’s by early next week, I might try to shade the rest of my maturing broccoli in order to keep it at optimal eating condition. The cabbage is still a little small right now but all of the plants are starting to push on heads. I have one Kohlrabi plant that looks like it is nearing harvestable size, but the rest still look a little small. The Silver Queen corn was side dressed with a high nitrogen fertilizer about 4 days ago and it is growing like crazy right now.

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First Broccoli of the Season Awaiting Harvest, Picture Taken 6-12-24

Spring Garden Fully Planted, Soil Still Too Wet

The spring garden has been fully planted, but the soil remains a little too wet. The tomatoes and pepper seedlings have struggled a bit but are starting to look a bit better now with the onset of warmer weather. It has been a struggle this spring, especially with the warm season plants. I had to replant some of the beans because of the wet soil and I waited probably an extra two weeks to sow my cucumber seeds. Fortunately, the weather has improved somewhat and the hope is all of the wet soil conditions have passed. Harvest continues on the lettuce with more to come. I have noticed that the slugs have almost disappeared on the lettuce. The Packman broccoli are starting to form little heads, so I think broccoli harvest will probably start in about another two weeks. I have just started to noticed some minor damage from cabbage worms, so I will probably need to apply some Spinosad on these plants soon. The Silver Queen white sweet corn has germinated and most of the plants are nearing one foot tall. I harvested the last of the green onions about five days ago. The rest of the onions look pretty good so far. The potatoes growing in the grow bags have finally started to grow, and in fact look really good right now. The potatoes growing in the two raised beds do not look as good, but I remain optimistic that the harvest from these beds will turn out decent this year. I have had to start watering the potatoes in the grow bags every other day, which is normal. I have posted several pictures of my garden below for your viewing pleasure.

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Top Left Clockwise: Diva Cucumbers, Early Jalapeno and Hot Banana Peppers, Bush Green Beans, and Roma Tomatoes, Picture Taken 6-4-24
Potatoes Growing in One of the Two Raised Beds, Picture Taken 6-4-24
Potatoes Growing Nicely in Grow Bags, Picture Taken 6-4-24
Onions (Red Candy Apple and Candy) with some Topsetting Onions Near Top of Picture, Picture Taken 6-4-24
Lettuce Growing Nicely, Picture Taken 6-4-24
Silver Queen White Corn Getting Taller Every Day, Picture Taken 6-4-24
Left to Right: Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Kohlrabi, and Cabbage, Picture Taken 6-4-24
Left to Right Clockwise: Kohlrabi, Ancho Peppers, Bush Green Beans, Rattlesnake Pole Beans, and More Kohlrabi. Looks Like Someone Needs to do Some Weeding! Picture Taken 6-4-24