Spring Garden Activities Ramping Up and the Weather Has Improved

Garden activity has really picked up over the last several weeks now. The weather has really improved here in Central Indiana, with a 6-day stretch of warm and sunny days. It rained about a half inch yesterday, which was good as the soil was just starting to get a little dry in spots in the garden. With all of the warm and dry weather, the onions and the early April planted lettuce seedlings have really started to grow. Most of the rest of the overwintered lettuce has been harvested. Selected individual leaf harvest will probably start on the spring planted lettuce within the next week. The first harvest of the fall planted top setting onions was started yesterday, for green onions, with many more to come. Potatoes were planted out on April 13th and 15th. Some of these vines have just started to poke through the soil over the last day or so. Pea seeds were planted out into the garden on April 9th, and most have germinated within the past few days. I was able to pot up my tomato and pepper seedling into larger 4 inch pots on April 9th. For now, they will stay in the cold frame. They won’t be planted out into the garden until the second full week of May. The broccoli and kohlrabi seedlings will be planted out into the garden in about 4 days. Frost is expected tonight and tomorrow night, so I will keep my lettuce protected under the plastic hoop for at least a few more weeks, making sure to pull the plastic up on both ends in the mornings. Happy Spring Gardening!!

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The Spring Garden with the Eastern Redbud Tree in Full Bloom, Picture Taken 4-18-23
Early April Planted Lettuce Seedlings Growing Nicely Under the Plastic Covered Hoop, Picture Taken 4-18-23
Onions Really Starting to Grow Now. Notice the Lettuce Under the Plastic Covered Hoop to the Left, Picture Taken 4-18-23